REACH Visibility Trajectory™: Leveraging Research To Smash Your Brand Positioning

REACH Visibility Trajectory™: Leveraging Research To Smash Your Brand Positioning

Research is the skelton key in your marketing success. 

As humans, we build connections and trust based on shared experiences. Sometimes close friends form this based on a lifetime of building history together. With your clients and prospects, your timeline is significantly shorter. 

So how do you build it in a matter of seconds or small online interactions? And, full disclosure — nothing happens in seconds outside of piquing people’s interest and grabbing their attention. So, it’s really more about getting their attention for long enough to form a meaningful connection

Again, it’s research. 

Research is the key to relationship-building brand positioning. It allows you to streamline your messaging, gain visibility, and, in turn, get more clients. The right clients, too.

With proper research, you can earn a level of customer loyalty you simply won’t achieve without first putting in the work to really get to know your target market. 

Research is the first component of my REACH Visibility Trajectory™, a framework I designed to help business owners build momentum and authority all while growing sales.

The elements are:

R – Research your target market. ← you are here

E – Engage with your audience through defined goals, core values, and brand messaging.

A – Attract clients with web copy that screams WOW.

C – Create a funnel to automate lead gen and nurturing.

H – Hook prospects with tactical strategy.

So what is research when it comes to positioning your brand and developing brand messaging?

In a nutshell, it’s the steps you take to learn about your target audience and encompasses everything from demographics to interests, habits, wants, needs, likes, dislikes, aspirations, and challenges.  

Is research really as big of a deal as I’m making it out to be? 

Can a flea jump 160 times its body length? 

Yes, yes, it can.  (But don’t let that give you the heebie-jeebies)

While I make no guarantee, with the right research, you can probably see similar mind-boggling numbers through your brand positioning strategy. 

Key Elements of Solid Market Research

It’s easy to get sidetracked when it comes to research. There’s customer, market, and competitor research, each piece merging together at some point in time. Unfortunately, all these customer research methods to choose from can be overwhelming.

To keep your head on straight, it’s best to focus on the 4-3-2-1 of market research:

  1. Identify 4 things you can do now
  2. Choose 3 ways to get data
  3. Have 2 types of data (written and video)
  4. Pick 1 place to start…(hint: the beginning)

Focus on these four elements, and your research will keep you moving forward time and time again.

Still overwhelmed? Looking for that first step? 

Start with what you’ve already got.

Three Easy Things You Can Do Now To Kick Off Your Customer Research 

Reaching out directly to past and potential customers is a big part of collecting valuable customer research. 

It’s the whole “straight from the horse’s” mouth strategy which won’t steer you wrong when it comes to building out your messaging and brand positioning. 

Here are three common and effective customer research methods: 

  1. Send out a survey to your target audience
  2. Look at reviews of your existing products
  3. Schedule calls with current or potential customers

Keep in mind, you’ll want to schedule a time to do this again, whether it’s monthly, quarterly, or bi-annually. That’s right. There’s no real end to research. 

Start At The Beginning

If you genuinely want what’s best for your business, research is not optional. It’s an indispensable foundation building trust and loyalty… and growing your business.  

Show you understand your clients, speak their language, and prove you’re relatable yet experienced enough to guide them along to achieving their goals. Bingo – you’ve hit the jackpot.

If you’ve already got your website copy, it might be time for a check-in to make sure you are maximizing your sales capacity. Get your copy of my website copy checklist for a 10-point checkup and 30 quick win fixes you can make right now! 

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