What are your thoughts on asking your followers for advice on your branding? I sat down with Jenn Prochaska and discuss the importance of your brand’s messaging.
Jenn dives into why figuring out your brand and what you want to communicate AKA your Brand Messaging is a vital aspect of your business. Your business’ brand isn’t just about your logo or your brand colors but at its core, it’s figuring out what you want to consistently communicate to your audience.
PLUS get a sneak peek into Jenn’s newest offer! Check out the blog or visit the YouTube channel to watch.
Learn more about Jenn at: https://thewritedifference.com/
Turn Your Messaging Into Magic is a live broadcast on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube almost every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9:00 AM Central. We talk about all things marketing and messaging. I bring on guests to chat about their experiences in the online business world. Think of it like being a fly on the wall in an awesome coffee shop. You’ll hear everything about these amazing guests’ lives — coffee preferences, the weather, favorite animals…and so much more. And if you’re interested in joining me for a future conversation, contact me today.