Looking for strategic marketing support or have a copy project in mind? Currently booking for start dates in February and March 2025, with limited VIP Day availability between now and then. Get in touch to get your project on my calendar.


B2B Storytelling: Creating empathy matters

B2B Storytelling: Creating empathy matters

Storytelling goes beyond fantasy and fiction.  Infusing your business content with storytelling and empathy is integral to growing your business.  B2B storytelling helps your business stand out in a crowd and draws your customers to you. Now, more than ever, people want to feel connected and seen as a customer who is integral to your […]

Why do you **really** need a website?

Why Do You **Really** Need A Website?

Ever wondered if you **really** need a website for your business? I just recorded this video to help you understand why websites really do matter. Here are the big takeaways: Your website is your online business card. What’s the first thing you do when you’re getting ready to work with someone? Search for them online […]

The 11 Essential Web Copy Strategies Your Website Really Needs

The 11 Essential Web Copy Strategies Your Website Really Needs

Do you want to increase your website traffic and sales? (Um, hello? Who doesn’t! And, psst — if you don’t, let’s chat about how to level up your rates or your biz.) I’m going to assume then, that you do want to get more bites from your ideal clients. It follows, then, that it’s time […]