First Impressions Project Week 9

First Impressions Project Week 9

Hey! We are leading up to the final weeks of the first round for the First Impressions Project.

If you think you’d like to get in line for a quick review, please apply to the project here.

First Impressions Project – Week 9

This week we explored these three sites:

  1. Megan Stoddard Wellness
  2. Mosimann Marketing
  3. Inspired Women Amazing Lives

Megan Stoddard Wellness

Megan Stoddard mentioned in her application that she is in the middle of a huge pivot in her business as she recently completed a huge certification.  She said that while she knows about the updates she needs to do she was excited to hear anything I could share with you.

3 points that stand out for Megan Stoddard Wellness:

  1. Your pop up hits too quickly, and I would consider adding a longer delay. It appears when we don’t know anything about you yet.
  2. The headline is long…I’d break it up into a shorter simpler sentence and add in a subheading.
  3. I’d like more information on your home page…although it can feel long with all the scrolling, it makes it more mobile-friendly.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the Megan Stoddard Wellness audit.   

Mosimann Marketing

Ariel Mosimann would get overwhelmed when trying to update her website but she knows it’s not doing it’s best to attract people.  She works as a social media manager/digital strategist to help businesses succeed with their social media presence. With over 9 years of experience on social platforms, she has an intuitive ability to identify with audiences and she loves to grow her knowledge in working in various industries.

3 points that stand out for Mosimann Marketing:

  1. Adjust your headline so it’s about the transformation clients get, and a call to action you want them to do.
  2. Make the quiz a secondary piece.
  3. Use white space and images to highlight the social side of your expertise. If your site demonstrates your social media expertise, it will build trust and set the value high.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the Mosimann Marketing audit.

Inspired Women Amazing Lives

Kimberley Wiggins is a speaker who helps women reconnect to the best part of themselves and allows them to live the life of their dreams.  She helps you transition into a business that allows for spending time with family without sacrificing your income.

3 points that stand out for Inspired Women Amazing Lives include:

  1. I’m not quite sure where to look. To simplify your menu and pop your logo into your menu bar, that could make a big difference.
  2. A refreshed theme might help you across all pages to create a client journey that makes sense and is easy to follow.
  3. Clarifying your call to actions will be immensely helpful for gaining more traction.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the Inspired Women Amazing Lives audit.

Want to participate in the First Impressions Project? Hop on in today and apply!  Learn more here,

To see other weeks, click here.

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