First Impressions Project Week 3

Week 3 of the first impressions project and web audits and I can still say that brevity is not my strength. One would think I could do short and sweet, but I can’t help myself. So while I’m still promoting this as 2-3 minutes, most of you are getting 3-5 minute videos.

If you think you’d like to get in line for a quick review, please apply to the project here.

First Impressions Project – Week 3

This week, we explored three more companies, who all strive on the personal touch when working with their clients. 

  1. Share the Love Baby Box
  2. Shonda Howard
  3. The Hugging Doula

Here’s what we learned:

Share the Love Baby Box

Chantal Drouin-Charters started Share the Love Baby Box out of her love for shopping and how she could help others.  Shopping for a new baby gift is tough I tend to think of what they might already have or what they might need and I really do like to shop locally as much as possible.  Chantal has taken the guesswork out of all of that by creating personal and customizable new baby gift boxes supporting local businesses as much as she can.

3 points that stand out for :

  1. Change the headline to something that speaks to a pain point, something like “give the perfect baby gift, every time”
  2. Include a sentence or two about the problem and solution.
  3. I’d loved to include a few words about the mission…and make it all about the buyer.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during Share the Love Baby Box’s audit.


Shonda Howard

Shonda Howard is a public speaking coach that finally learned the pieces of the puzzle that stops the anxiety of public speaking.  She has learned how to clear the fears at the root level and is now sharing those lessons with others.   She believes that we all have a voice and an important message that needs to be shared.

3 points that stand out for :

  1. Creating a more action-oriented header to inspire others to action.
  2. Create a call to action for the header area to inspire those who are ready now.
  3. Break up paragraphs into 1 or 2 sentences so that people will read instead of skim, and use sentence case instead of all caps.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during Shonda’s audit.   

The Hugging Doula

Eleonora Fornelli found her passion for helping women early on in life. She believes that respect is the most important ingredient not just a positive birth experience but for parenting as well.  She guides and supports soon to be parents in discovering their own path, and making their own decisions.  She thinks of herself as a mother to all who choose to work with her and in turn, they become part of her family.

3 points that stand out for :

  1. Create more engagement and impact by shifting the header and subheading.
  2. I’d get super clear on where you are, what you offer (you have some online as well as in-person options), and where you work with clients in the header bar.
  3. Something really powerful would be to add to the navigation how you can support during the Covid19 pandemic.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during The Hugging Doula audit.

Want to participate in the First Impressions Project? Hop on in today and apply!   Learn more here,

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