Looking for strategic marketing support or have a copy project in mind? Currently booking for start dates in February and March 2025, with limited VIP Day availability between now and then. Get in touch to get your project on my calendar.


No Brand Strategy? Your Business is Losing Money

All brands are businesses, but not all businesses are brands. What’s that? Even though your brand is how other people see you, when you don’t take time to define how you want to show up, you risk someone else defining your business. To that end, any business operating without an established brand strategy is missing […]

How to Use Voice of Customer Research for Stronger Brand Messaging

What exactly is Voice of Customer Research? (… And why do we bother with it?) Conducting interviews, sending surveys, mining testimonials and combing through social media – all adds up to hours (and sometimes hours and hours!) spent poking around behind the scenes. And not a single moment of it making a direct sale or […]

5 Secret Sauce Ingredients for Killer Brand Messaging

If you have customers (or you know who your customers are-slash-will be), you’re sitting a top a veritable gold mine of inspiration for messaging, copy, and content. While great customers are worth their weight in gold, they can also help you turn basic “blah” messaging into a golden elixir. Want another way to look at […]

Recession-Proof Your Biz by Cutting Costs of Inconsistent Brand Messaging

Recession-Proof Your Biz by Cutting Costs of Inconsistent Brand Messaging

Experts still agree: a recession late in 2023 is inevitable. How big it will be is anyone’s guess, but that’s not stopping the universal knee-jerk reaction. Cut the budget. Trim the fat. Streamline. Pull up the ol’ bootstraps.  Since marketing initiatives and the associated results appear intangible, the marketing budget is often the first victim […]