Why Clear Copywriting Wins Over Clever Every Time

Why Clear Copywriting Wins Over Clever Every Time

Awesome… great… amazing… groundbreaking… Do any of these words mean anything to you? Probably not. These are buzzwords that may sound clever; however, they aren’t specific and don’t have a clear meaning behind them. When taking on a copywriting project, instead of using jargon or meaningless words, be as clear as possible.

Here’s why. If your clients can’t understand what you’re saying, regardless of why, your words aren’t doing their job, and you’ll lose your prospects. 

Remember, you only have about 8 seconds (or less) to capture your audience’s attention. So make your words easy to understand with meaningful, clear, and specific messaging. 


Clear Copywriting Focuses on Your Audience

Nobody likes boastful party guests. You know the type….people who constantly talk about themselves and barely acknowledge anyone else’s presence or contribute to the conversation. When you write for your clients, do precisely the opposite. Speak to them about themselves. Not about you. 

It’s OK to add personal experiences to build that connection and show your clients you understand their problems. Just make sure it still gears towards their pain points and why it should matter to them. 

How do you do this? It’s easier than you might think. You start by replacing “I” with “you.” For example…  

I struggled with financial freedom for years, because I was unsure how to keep my finances organized.” 

Now, replace the “I” with “you.” 

You struggled with financial freedom for years, because you were unsure how to keep your finances organized.” Only then can you start with the I.  “I was in the same boat, and here’s my story.” 

See how that works? You’re speaking about them while also relating to them, and all it takes is a small language change.


Meaningful Words Paint a Picture for Your Prospects

There are many words in the dictionary, and it’s not always easy to choose the right one. 

Remember the words from my first sentence? Using words like “awesome,” “cool,” or “game-changing” barely even registers on the cool-ometer.  When you can get hyper-specific and play on the five senses, you’ll start getting your prospects to picture themselves as your clients. 

People relate to emotions and the way they experience the world differently than they relate to anything else. Using emotive words gets them thinking about how they feel. If your clients can imagine smelling the fresh mountain air, taste the smooth coffee, and feel a brisk breeze, you’ve already transported them somewhere else, and they’re probably investing in your story. This imagery goes beyond copywriting and starts journeying into storytelling

When it comes to clear copywriting, paint a picture that speaks to as many emotions and senses as possible to connect with your prospects.


The “So What” Factor Explains Your Benefits (Not Your Features)

Maybe you have a course that offers a step-by-step process for building your email list, or perhaps your business provides real-time data on conversion rates. So what? Why is that important? If your audience can’t see how your features help them, they won’t care about your offer.

Your offer appeals to your audience when they can picture how it will change their lives, making it an easy yes for them. 

If you keep looking at your copy and saying so what, so what, so what… revisit what you are trying to say and think about why it’s important.


Don’t Make Your Audience Guess

Jargon begone

“Hedge funds” make sense to financial advisors, high-end chefs understand what “amuse-bouche” means, and accounting professionals throw around “chart of accounts” and “compliance” left and right. Still, if you’re not in one of those professions, those phrases may be meaningless to you. Conversely, you may know what they are, but you don’t understand what’s important to you about them.

The same goes for your audience. If they are seeking your service, chances are they aren’t familiar with your business lingo either. Use clear language your clients understand. 

(Full disclosure: this is something that is not easy for any of us. I frequently fall into the trap!)


Be precise and to the point

Most people don’t have time to read long, meandering sentences, and typically end up skimming. Use brief sentences that speak to your audience and solve their problems.


Replace adjectives and adverbs with powerful verbs

When you add adjectives and adverbs, you’re doing just that… adding words. You can eliminate unnecessary fluff while painting a picture with great description. Instead of, “She talked quietly,” use, “Her muffled voice…” (ahem, Grammarly can help you in this department.)


Limit your use of very and really

Similar to adjectives and adverbs, you may frequently use very and really to show intensity. Again, you’re adding unnecessary words. Check out this infographic for ideas on replacing very and really with powerful verbs.


Avoid passive voice

Passive voice isn’t bad, per se, and in some cases, it’s necessary. However, when you use words and phrases that mean business (aka action), your writing packs a punch, you make an impact, and your clients stand up and take notice. Then, instead of victory appearing to you, you take it by storm. (See what I did there?) 


A Meaningful Theme Creates a Memorable Brand

Thematic content is  fun and it ties everything together with a ribbon. Better yet, it makes your brand memorable. That is, of course, if you do it well.

Your theme may not have anything to do with your business. Copy and Snacks have nothing to do with each other normally. Unless you snack incessantly while banging away at your keyboard. However, the positioning I use to tie them together, makes the connection clear. Good copy is like your favorite snack, irresistible and bite-sized.

I’ve also tied together things like trains and branding, dogs and construction, and more! Whatever your theme, you just need to get clear on how you connect it to your business in order to position your messaging. 


Is Your Copy Clear?

Does your copy focus on your audience? Does it paint a picture of how you can change their lives? Is your word choice clear, meaningful, and to the point? Does your theme tie in with your brand?

If you answered no to any of these questions, don’t worry. Schedule a 15-20 minute call with me to discuss how we can work together to make your copy clearer and more meaningful.

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