The Importance of Adaptability for Startup Success in 2023
Have you thought about startup business in the year 2023? You’re not alone. Despite the challenges of the past few years, entrepreneurship is still thriving, and many aspiring startup business owners are taking the leap to pursue their dreams. This article will explore some essential tips, tricks, and tools for starting a successful business in […]
How to DIY Your Website Audit
Most businesses in this day and age have a website because it’s simply good for business. In fact, it’s a must-have in the age of Google, when the first thing people do when researching is to look you up online. Yet, if you haven’t audited your website for customer experience, including copy, structure, strategy, and […]
Brilliant Bitesize Brand Messaging Strategy Ideas for Your Business
As the entrepreneur of a small business, you may know how to connect with your ideal audience. This means meeting them at their level, drawing them in, and delivering value so you secure the sale. Once you wow your customer and produce repeat sales, you have accomplished most of the hard work. When you create […]
Lead Generation Mistakes You’re Making in Your Consulting Business
Running a business takes a lot of work and time, and if you want to be successful, you’ve probably spent countless hours on your lead generation. Whether you work in accounting, construction, or even solar energy, you’ve most likely experienced the “feast and famine” cycle where you’ll be booked one month and have little to […]
Building a Content Strategy? Here’s Why Brand Strategy Should Be Your First Step
As you get ready to market your business, you might think it’s time to develop a content strategy. After all, you hear the constant drumbeat of “write blogs, publish social content, and send emails.” And it’s true, your content strategy guides all the assets you need to market your business, including what kind to create […]
3 pitfalls to avoid when you’re building a freelance business
Recently I joined the B2B Writing Institute as a panelist on Client Experience, which was awesome! After the live event concluded, a woman named Iyabo Oyawale reached out to me and asked me about three mistakes I had made in the early days of my company. Then she compiled a list and made a fabulous […]
A Toast to Chaos: Keeping Your Promises to Yourself as a Business Owner
I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time saying no… …although my kids solemnly swear that I never say yes (as they eat their ice cream and stay up late watching movies)… …and, if you’re picturing a household in chaos, you’re not wrong. I’m fine…everything is juuuust fine. Because I like to […]
How To Build a Personal Brand Whether You Work in a Business or You ARE The Business
Building a personal brand is essential for building a business or propelling your career forward. Whether you work in a business or own a business, your personal brand is your reputation and what differentiates you from everyone else. As Eman Ismail, a copywriter I look up to says, what you do isn’t always what you […]
Zig Zag Leap Podcast: Copy That: Building Business Success Through Relationships
Nesha Zackery is a true delight. When she invited me onto her podcast, I was thrilled to join her! We covered so much ground, starting with the personal tragedy and “aha” moment that gave me permission to leap into something different. We also covered the lessons I’ve learned SEVERAL times along the way, and what […]
Blogging For Business, Turning Your Ideas and Experience into Thought Leadership
When it comes to marketing strategy, content is king. You hear this over and over and over. It can take the form of video, audio, written content, or a combination of all three. How do you know what to focus on or what to say? When I speak about turning your original ideas, unique perspectives, […]
Freelanceology Podcast: How to Stand Out From 85 Million Freelancers
Chris Collins and Aly Goulet are two of my favorite freelancers and copywriters. I feel like I say that a lot about a lot of people. The truth is that these two are amazing. And they bring a fresh perspective to freelancing and owning a business. We talked a lot about what it’s REALLY like […]
5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Copywriter to Revamp Your Website
So you’re thinking about revamping your website, but how do you know if it’s the right time? To give a simple answer to a complex question — it depends. The truth is you should revisit your website copy at least every 1.5 to 2.5 years to stay relevant. However, I find that most business owners […]