First Impressions Project Week 11

First Impressions Project Week 11

Hey! We are leading up to the final weeks of the first round for the First Impressions Project.

If you think you’d like to get in line for a quick review, please apply to the project here.

First Impressions Project – Week 11

This week we explored these three sites:

  1. December Larks
  2. Worth Your Salt
  3. Ichko Batmunkh

December Larks 

December Larks was created out of a love or warm cozy drinks and reading a good book. Rachelle Oliver started December Larks as a way to combine things she loved, being a homeschooling mom, owning a business, finding amazing products, and interacting with customers.

There has been a few times where I don’t have much feedback for someone during their First Impression Audits, so this one only has minimal suggestions as Rachelle has done an amazing job speaking to her clients and showing what she offers.

Points that stand out for December Larks:

This is a gorgeous site, and the biggest change relates to the header area. I’d consider changing up the header image to include more of the December Larks products, perhaps photos of someone sitting at the table with a cup of tea, writing on a notecard, or someone else sipping from a cup wearing a necklace.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the December Larks audit.

Worth Your Salt

Nicolette De Lange has decided to rebrand her business from HR consultancy and career guidance practice to helping others find their dream careers.

3 points that stand out for Worth Your Salt:

  1. The headline could be a little bolder to speak to the transformation clients can expect.
  2. Would add a section to talk about the why and pain points that you help people overcome.
  3. For the “Schedule a Session” area talk a little bit more about the sessions and what the call looks like.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the Worth Your Salt audit.   

Ichko Batmunkh

Ichko Batmunkh is looking for a little feedback as she has not been getting much traffic to her site.  Ichko is a life coach who helps you reconnect with your true self determine what is holding you back and help you create the best relationship with yourself FIRST.

3 points that stand out for Ichko Batmunkh include:

  1. The script font over the photos is harder to read, consider changing up the script fonts for readability.
  2. With the colors and the fonts in the header, there’s a slight disconnect in terms of who would be attracted to working with you with helping women and men… I would reconsider “women and men” and maybe think about Unleash Your Gifts & Own Your Self Worth”
  3. Sharing a speaking section to list your accomplishments, but also to add in a video of you speaking.

Watch the full video for more details on what I found during the Ichko Batmunkh audit.

Want to participate in the First Impressions Project? Hop on in today and apply!   Learn more here,  

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