Looking for strategic marketing support or have a copy project in mind? Currently booking for January start dates, with limited VIP Day availability between now and then. Get in touch to get your project on my calendar.

Wondering how to keep up with all the content you need, get organized, and feel confident what you’re doing is working towards your goals (and that all of it is working together)?

Join me on December 6 @ 11 AM Central for the (Free) Content that Matters Workshop.


Featured Article: The Swipe File on Foreplay.co

As a copywriter, I have a huge swipe file of copy that I use as inspiration for future copy and content. So when Foreplay.co — a SaaS solution that shortens the cycle of creating ads for online platforms came to me, I jumped at the opportunity to write for them. The first article I wrote […]

What’s So Funnel About It? – 3 funnel truths to grow your business

Every business is an online business now. It’s been true since before the pandemic. But since March 2020, it’s been a hard truth for lots of businesses that had not previously relied on an online presence. And another insight? It’s a funnel truth — they are right for just about every business. After all, everyone […]

Putting a Human Face on B2B Marketing

If you work in B2B marketing, you’re probably familiar with the misconception that it’s stiff and creatively lacking, especially when compared with B2C. If it brings to mind bland sales materials, outdated websites, and messaging with zero personality, it doesn’t have to be this way. Being a successful marketer in the B2B space is no […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Copywriter to Revamp Your Website

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Copywriter to Revamp Your Website

So you’re thinking about revamping your website, but how do you know if it’s the right time? To give a simple answer to a complex question — it depends. The truth is you should revisit your website copy at least every 1.5 to 2.5 years to stay relevant. However, I find that most business owners […]